Autorun.inf: Change Storage Device Icon

Without any software, you can do this. It also applies to DVDs and CDs.... First create an inf file using notepad. It should be like this(copy it) :


Now save it as 'Autorun.inf'.
Put both files together in the required storge device. and re-insert it. or restart windows. If you want to do it for a DVD or CD, then while burning, add these files together.


  • The name and extension must be exact.It shouldn't be in 'txt' format.
  • Autorun.inf file must NOT be kept in any folders. It should be in main Disk itself.

BSNL: How to use Internet Apps like Opera Mini

How to use Internet Applications like Opera Mini

The following steps guide you how to make it working in NOKIA (apn setting)

  • Settings / Configuration / Personal Config. Sett.
  • Options / Add New / Access Point
  • Set Account Name (any).
  • Access Point Settings / Bearer Settings / Packet data acc. pt
  • Important: Now give any of these value: bsnlnet, bsnllive (OR for others service providers, put corresponding APN. Examples: airtel-, idea- internet, vodafone- www
  • Goto Settings / Configuration / Preffered acc. pt and confirm that your is selected. Else, Activate it.

Now goto applications like opera mini, ucbrowser, Facebook and enjoy..!

(You can use similar method to other Handsets)

Command Prompt: Quick Format Storage Devices

Format Devices Quickly Using Command Prompt

The syntax is :

Format /Q X:

Here X indicates drive letter. and /Q is one of the parameters of format command, which makes it quick.

Eg: If you want to Format D: drive, just change it to Format /Q D:

You can make it further simple using bat file.

@echo off
echo Enter Drive Letter and Press Enter.
set /p ltr=
echo You are about to format %ltr% drive.
Format /Q %ltr%:
echo Format Compleated.

Command Prompt: To Hibernate Windows

Hibernate Windows using Command Prompt

In fact there is no direct command (internal) to Hibernate Windows. However, you can hibernate through Command Prompt or bat files.

This method uses a basic dll (powerprof.dll) function.

By calling this function through command prompt - using rundll32 command, you can do it.

Here is the command:

Rundll32 powerprof.dll,SetSuspendState

Related Contents:

Search and delete files using Command Prompt
Create Thousands of folders in a second (bat looping example)
Hide Files inside Files (Multi-Extension Files)

VBScript: Get Source Code of a Web Page

This method will work only in Internet Explorer. Also, this is only the way to get cross-domain source code. However, you can use this code externally also.

<script type="text/vbscript">
Dim url, src, http
Set http = ObjCreate("winhttp.winhttprequest.5.1")"GET",url)
src = http.Responsetext

If you want to use this code externally, then you should save it as name.vbs. But you should remove the last line. Instead, you can try alternate ways like msgbox, filewrite, etc to show the output. For example, replace last line by this:


This will show the source code directly in a messagebox.

CSS: Creating Beautiful Buttons with Hovering Effect

The CSS Buttons are most commonly used in websites, because of their unique features such as Hovering Effect, Color settings, borders, opacity etc. Buttons have vital role in attracting users. So they should be designed properly. Here i'm going to explain step by step about how to create Stylish Beatiful and attractive buttons using CSS.

Step 1:
Simply Create a DIV using >div< tag and give an id or class name.
Step 2:
Now just create a simple css style code that points out your button's style.
Step 3:
Also create another css style that sets the style of button during Mouse Hover.
Step 4:
Now you can define your own styles one by one to each of them.
Step 5:
To Create a border, Use the following code:
border:style top right bottom left color;
style can be one of the following: solid, dotted, dashed
color is color name or color-code
remaining 4 are thickness of border in 4 sides.
Step 6:

Click Me!!

bat code: Search and delete files

DEL [FILENAME] /S /Q /F Use the above command to delete all files (name should be given) in a directory tree. The [FILENAME] can be replaced by directory name or asterisk. If you put asterisk instead, then it will delete all the files. You can try also like this: *.ext filename.* file*name.* *name.ext this will delete any file, that contains any other words in the place of *. Note that this command will not delete folders. To delete folders, you can use 'rd' command.

VBScript: Mount Folders as Virtual Drive

This VBSCript code is based on basic windows command

SUBST [X:] [A:\B\]

X is Drive Letter. A:\B\ indicates Folder Mounting. There are many other ways to do this, I'll publish them here later.

Method 1:
Use this VBScript code:

You may also like: VBSCript Speaker using sAPI.SPVoice object
Get Html source code of any webpage using vbs
Key board Lights fake virus using vbs

Tags: vbs virtual drive, vbs mount

VBScript: Speak out the Contents of Text File.

Here is a VBScript Code using SAPI and FileSystem object, to Read Contents of a text file, and then Convert it into Audio

On Error Resume Next
Dim gh, gFile, gFso, gData
Set gFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
gFile = InputBox("Enter The
File Name to Read","Ebook Reader","Exmple.txt")
Set gh = gFso.OpenTextFile(File,1,True,0)
gData = gh.ReadAll
("SAPI.SPVoice").Speak gData

Vbscript: Run a Program

1. Asks Name of the program/command to run
2. Runs that Program.
3. If Program name is not given, then Execution stops.

On Error Resume Next ' Skip Errors
Dim gProg, gWS, gAsk, gStyle, gTitle, gCheck ' Variables Declaration

Set gWS =WScript.CreateObject ("WScript.Shell") ' WScript Object
Do ' Start Looping
gProg = ""
gProg = Inputbox("Enter The Name of The File", "Run", "cmd") ' Get Name of Program from User
If gProg = "" Then WScript.Quit
gWS.Run gProg

Hide Files Inside Files!!

I can say it simply as merging two files into another file, whithout making them unreadable.

You can use such files by opening it with corresponding softwares. For example, if you hide an Archive file in a PDF file, then you can Access Files inside that using WinRAR, or Read It it using PDF Reader

Here is an Example :
1. Create a rar file(archive). Add some files to it. keep it in a folder. Now bring a pdf file into that folder.
2. Now open Command Prompt and bring the pointer to that folder by cd command.(cd /d "folderpath")
3. Now type the command given below:
copy /b "file1.ext1"+"file2.ext2"

By pressing Enter you have been created that special file.
To test it, Right Click on that file and select "Open With" and then select "WinRAR". You can see the files in it. Also you can open the same
file in PDF reader by double clicking on it and you can read that pdf file.

using this trick you can create so many types of files containing another file(s) in them.
For example: pdf in jpg(photo), songs in jpg.

Javascript: Add 'Read More' Links to Articles

This type of Setting in your article body is very helpful to show entire article without reloading whole page. It maintains simplicity of your blog.

There is an easy way to add 'Read More' Link to your posts. Look at this Example:

Post Heading

Small Description about this post

Read More

The Result may be like this:

Post Heading

Small Description about this post

Read More

You may also read:
Hide Navigation Bar from your Blog
Javascript: Avoid Repeated use of HTML Tags
Create Stylish Active Buttons in CSS
Javascript: Get Source Code of Current Web Page
How to sho HTML codes on a webpage

js div, read more link, web design

Blogger Trick: Delete Navigation Bar from your Blog

Wanna delete Blogger's navigation bar at the top of your blog?

Just go to Design->Edit HTML. Then search for 'CDATA' part.

Here you will find CSS Codes. In between these just paste the code given below: Then Click 'Save Template' Button. You are done!!

css, blogger tricks,