ASUS U46SV Drivers for Win XP, Win 7-32bit, 64bit

Download required drivers for your ASUS U46SV from the links given below. i've collected them from different manufacturers website. these drivers are tested with ASUS U46SV. They work fine.

U46SV VGA Driver
Size: 23.06 MB

Download: ASUS_VGA_32bit_64bit_XP.rar

U46SV Audio Driver
Size: 30 MB
Download: ASUS Audio Driver

U46SV WiFi Driver for Win_XP
Size: 37 MB
DownLoad: WiFi_Setup_x32.rar

[[Will be updated soon]]

CPP: Detecting and Connecting Bluetooth Devices

#include<Windows.h> #include<BluetoothAPIs.h> #pragma comment(lib,"Bthprops.lib") #define pwd TEXT("012345") int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hI, HINSTANCE hPI, LPSTR lpCL, int iCS) { BLUETOOTH_DEVICE_SEARCH_PARAMS sp; sp.cTimeoutMultiplier = (UCHAR)(1.28*5); sp.dwSize=sizeof(sp); sp.fReturnAuthenticated = false; sp.fIssueInquiry = true; sp.fReturnConnected = true; sp.fReturnRemembered = false; sp.fReturnUnknown = true; sp.hRadio = NULL; BLUETOOTH_DEVICE_INFO di; di.dwSize = sizeof(di); HBLUETOOTH_DEVICE_FIND hB_DF = BluetoothFindFirstDevice(&sp,&di); if(hB_DF=NULL) MessageBox(0,"An Error Occured","Error",0); char* msg =new char; char* res = new char; for(int i=0; i<=BLUETOOTH_MAX_NAME_SIZE; i++) { res[i]=di.szName[i]; res[i+1]='\0'; } wsprintf(msg,"%s",res); MessageBox(0,msg,"Info",0); DWORD result = BluetoothAuthenticateDevice(NULL,NULL,&di,(PWSTR)pwd,(ULONG)wcslen((PWSTR)pwd)); if(result != BTH_ERROR_SUCCESS){ wsprintf(msg,"Error in Authentication!\n Error Code is: %i",result); MessageBox(0,msg,"Error",MB_OK); return -1; } else { MessageBox(0,"Authenticated","Info",MB_OK); } return 0; }

Submit Forms without Refreshing Page

Using Javascript/jQuery we can submit any form on a webpage directly to required php script and show the result to the user. this can be achieved by using xmlHttpRequest in Javascript, or ajax request of jQuery. Let's see how it is possible: Consider the following form; <form id="post_comment"> Email Id: <input id="mail"/><br/> Password: <input id="pass"/><br/> Name: <input id="name"/><br/> Comment: <textarea id="cmmt"></textarea><br/> <input type="submit"/><br/> <div id="msg"></div> </form> Here the form has no common attributes such as mehod, action,etc. because we will be handling them through javascript or jQuery. Let's see how to Handle the above form using jQuery. Just add a script tag below the form. The code may be like this; <script> $(document).ready(function(){ $("#post_comment").submit(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); email = $("#mail").attr("value"); pass = $("#pass").attr("value"); name = $("#name").attr("value"); text = $("#cmmt").attr("value"); $.post('submit.php',{'email':email,'pass':pass,'name':name,'cmmt':text},function(result){ $("#msg").fadeOut(); $("#msg").html(result); $("#msg").fadeIn(); });})}); </script>

Creating a Stylish Login Form using CSS and JS

stylish login form using css

By the help of CSS/CSS3 now it became easy to design beautiful elements. also by the use of javascript, we can reduce server load by validating user input in client browser itself.

So, here we are going to design a beautiful login form with rounded edges and shadow, hovering and focusing effects, error messages, etc, by the help of CSS and Javscript. without veering off this, look at this example:

<div id="outer_wrap"> <div class="in_wrap"> Username: <input type="text" name="username" placeholder="Username" class="input"/> </div> <div class="in_wrap"> Password: <input type="password" name="password" placeholder="Password" class="input"/> </div> <div class="in_wrap"> Remember: <input type="CHECKBOX" name="remember"> </div> <div class="btn">Login</div> <div class="btn">Password Recovery</div> <div class="btn">Username Recovery</div> <div id="msg"></div> </div> The above code is html source code for login form. this is basic login form. now we have to beautify it by defining it's style using CSS. the style code is given below: <style> #outer_wrap{ border:solid 3px Silver; box-shadow:2px 2px 5px 3px grey; border-radius:5px; margin:10px 0px 10px 0px; padding:10px; postion:fixed; max-width:350px; height:150px;} #outer_wrap div{ margin:3px;} .input{ box-shadow:inset 0px 3px 5px silver; outline:0; border:solid 1px grey; border-radius:10px; padding:2px 2px 2px 10px; width:75%; margin-left:10px; } .input:focus{ } .in_wrap{ } #outer_wrap a{ text-decoration:none; } .btn{ font-size:90%; cursor:pointer; border-radius:5px; border:solid 1px grey; Padding:2px 5px 2px 5px; background-color:silver; box-shadow:2px 2px 3px 1px silver; float:right; } .btn:hover{ background-color:grey;} </style>