Scan the technology
How to: Enable or Disable Thumbnails - Win 7
Click on 'Organize' button.
Go to 'Folder Options'
Un-Check 'Always show thumbnails, never icons' check box.
Thumbnail view is not good for slow computers.
Windows: Extend System Memory using pagefile
If you enable this option, windows creates a 'pagefile.sys' file on your HDD. Extra memory is provided by this file.
Some multimedia softwares like Adobe Photoshop require pagefile, if RAM is less than 2GB. otherwise windows will show 'Low Memory' Error.
Managing Pagefile:
1. Go to System Properties.
2. Click on 'Advanced' tab.
3. Go to Performance Settings.
4. Click on 'Advanced' tab. and then 'Change Virtual Memory'
5. Tick the box indicating the automatic management of pagefile. or manually set how much memory has to be set on each drives. Click OK and Restart your Computer.
How to Install certificates to NOKIA for dual signed app support
later on i've recieved some emails asking help in installing certificates. So I'm going to give a simple procedure to do it.
You need to download following files:
2. OxyCube_Setup
Now follow these steps :
1.Ensure that you have installed required drivers for your mobile else, download them from internet, or just download and install NOKIA PC Suite.
2. Connect your mobile to computer using data cable
3. Open and extract all files inside it.
4. Install and Run OxyCube. You will see a messagebox asking to configure connections. Select your mobile and click 'Connect' button.
5. Now go to Sections/File Browser from menu bar.
6. Open the folder "C:/hiddenfiles/certificates/auth". Make a backup of all files inside that folder and then delete all of them.Then Copy all the contents from "certs_6300/auth/" to this folder
5. Similarly do it for 'C:/hiddenfiles/certificates/user' folder.
Now you are done. If it doesn't works, then i suggest try copying certs from others' mobiles using OxyCube. That mobile should be of same model (Eg: Nokia 6300 <=> Nokia 6300).
I think no mobile comes without required certs, but it happens when you flash (installing new software) that mobile. So, you have to backup those certs before flashing
MS-DOS Program to Eject or Close CD-DVD Drives
E - Eject
C - Close
DRIVE - Drive Number (For Multiple Drives)
1) To Eject First(primary) DVD Drive: dvdman E 0
2) To Close Secondary DVD Drive: dvdman C 1 [350KB](FREE)
You may also read:
MS DOS Program to Click, Drag and Move the mouse
How to: Remove Blue selection from Desktop Icons
1. You may have selected an Animated gif Image as desktop background.
2. You may have changed an option related to Desktop Icon Shadow.
3. You may have selected a linked item (image, link) in a webpage and copied, then pasted it directly on desktop.
(list will update this if i found any other reasons)
If any one of the above is true in your case, then you can try the following:
Case II
1. Goto Sytem Properties (WinKey+Pause Break) and Click on 'Advanced' tab.
2. Goto Performance settings. Here, Click on 'Visual Effects' tab.
3. Look for the option 'Use drop shadows for icon labels on desktop (last but one). Tick this checkbox and click OK.
Case III
1. Goto Desktop properties.
2. Click on Desktop tab.
3. Then click on Customise Desktop button.
4. Click on Internet tab.
5. Here you can see the list of links(if any) associated with desktop.
6. You either remove or disable them.
I think these hints are enough to solve this problem
How to: Protect Gmail account from being Hacked
The plan is : They send a verification code to your mobile number when you are logging into your account. You must enter that code in order to complete login. By this way I got SMS verification codes several times when someone tried to hack my account !!
So, i suggest eueryone to activate this one. It's very easy to do. follow the steps given below:
- Just sign in to your Gmail Account.
- Goto
- Click on 'Account Settings'
- Click on 2-Step Verification Process(Edit).
- Enter required informations such as phone number, backup phone number.
- Also note down some important datas like Backup Codes, which are helpful if you have lost your phone.
HTML: Writing Mathematical Equations
a<sub>1</sub>x<sup>2</sup>+b<sub>2</sub>x+c<sub>3</sub> = 0
y = x.tanθ - | gx² |
u²cos²θ |
The above formula is purely written in HTML using table. Source Code:
Change Icons, Version Informations, etc of an EXE File
Open 'Resource Hacker'. Then open required exe file with Resource Hacker. then focus on the key named 'ICON'.
if you want to change existing icon, then expand that key and right lick on the icon. then click 'Replace resource..'.
Then select the icon you want and then click File>save.
If you want to insert a new icon, then you have to click on Action>Add a new Resource. Then Open Required Icon,
In 'Resource Name' feild, Enter 1033 and press Enter. then Click File>Save. Similarly you can change or insert other resources.
How to: Start Windows with Safe Mode
In Safe Mode, Virus activity is very less, because, no software can start itself unless commanded by user. Also it helps us in modifying software configurations like, startup programs, anti viruses etc which cannot be done in normal mode.
To Start windows with safe mode, press F8 button on your keyboard before windows booting starts. It will show various options along with 'Safe Mode', 'Safe Mode with Networking' Options.
How To Add 'Safe Mode' option to Windows XP Boot Menu
Open Command Prompt
Type the following:
cd /d %systemdrive%\
echo multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Windows XP - Safe Mode" /safeboot:minimal>>boot.ini
echo. >>boot.ini
This will Add the lines coming after 'echo' to your 'boot.ini' file.
Note: Make Sure that last line of your 'boot.ini' file is similar to the code which you are adding. For example, if your 'boot.ini' shows 'partition(2)' then it means that XP is installed in Second Partition. Then you have to change your code.
Easy Screenshot without any Software.
PS: This trick is applicable to all OS
Hidden Server Settings in Opera Mini
Large placeholders
for images
Should the colored
placeholder rectangles for images (used when
not loading images) keep the original image size?
Fit text to screen
If disabled, text will no longer be fit to your phone screen, making it much harder to read.
Loading timeout
If a webserver does not send any data in this many seconds, the loading will be aborted.
Site patches and user-agent masking
Enables site patches and user-agent masking.
Keep styling in RSS feeds
If enabled, most CSS/HTML styling will be kept in feed articles.
Show feedindex
Show a list of pagefeeds at the top of the page
Fold linklists
Should the transcoder proxy try to detect long lists of links in mobile view, and if one is found, fold it into a single line that can be expanded?
Phone number detection
Should text that looks like phone numbers be converted to phone number links?
Minimum phone
number length
If telephone number detection is enabled, a number will need to be at least this long to be
considered to be a
phone number
Use bitmap fonts for complex scripts
If enabled, text written with complex scripts will be rendered on the
server instead of in
your device.
How to: Convert a file into System file
Sometimes it is necessary to convert a normal file into system file, for example, If you want to set a background photo to a folder, then you have to create a 'desktop.ini' file, which must be converted into system file in order to make it working.
First open cmd prompt.
Change pointer to required path using cd command.
Eg: cd /d c:\
Use this Command to convert your file:
attrib +s
Eg: attrib +s desktop.ini
If you want to hide that file, just use this command instead of above:
attrib +s +h
Shorthand: attrib +s +h "c:\desktop.ini"