Photoshop: Design Blended Logos

Open new Empty canvas with transperent background..

Fill background with black colour using Fill tool.
Create a new layer.
Select an area as a Circle using selection tool as shown in the figure.

Select gradient tool and select white color as First colour.
click on 'gradient configure' icon at the tool bar.
set another color as transperent..

Draw gradient from middle to bottom. and release ... ( Shift+ Drag to Straight Line)
Slightly decrease the opacity and Fill of the layer (nearly 70%)

Now copy that layer into two more layers.. ( ALT+Drag to Duplicate Layer)
Rotate them through 60° angle and adjust to suitable position.

Now select Circle Selection tool and Select Required Area as shown.
Then Make Inverse Selection (CTRL+SHIFT+I). And Press Delete Key. It may look like this:

Finally, Select Text Tool, and Select Required Font and write Logo Text.
Adjust to Suitable Transperency. Here is an Example for Final Image:

VBScript: File System Object Examples

1. Show List of drives

Dim oFS, colDrives, d, sDrvLst
Set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set colDrives = oFS.Drives
sDrvLst = ""
For each d in colDrives
sDrvLst = sDrvLst & d.driveLetter & " ( "
If d.IsReady Then
sDrvLst = sDrvLst & d.VolumeName & ")"
End If
sDrvLst = sDrvLst & vbCrLf
MsgBox sDrvLst

2. Copy Files
Dim oFS, sFile_Source, sFile_Dest
Set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
sFile_Source = InputBox("Enter source file address")
sFile_Dest = InputBox("Enter destination file address")
oFS.CopyFile(sFile_Source, sFile_Dest, 0) ' 0 - Do not overwrite

MS DOS: Mouse click, move and drag

Now It is possible to move mouse pointer using MSDOS, Command Prompt or bat files. All you have to do is download a small program given below: [350 Kb]

Here is how it works:

This program takes many parameters.

MouseMan /move /x:[x] /y:[y] /s[speed]
MouseMan /clickL:[n] /x:[x] /y:[y] /s:[speed]
MouseMan /clickR:[n] /x:[x] /y:[y] /s:[speed]
MouseMan /drag /x:[x] /y:[y] /s:[speed]

/move - move cursor to given coordinates [x],[y]
/clickL and /clickR - LEFT or RIGHT click number of times [n] at given point [x],[y]
/drag - Click and drag from current position to given position [x],[y]
/s - (optional) speed of clicking.

Examples :
1) mouseman /move /x:200 /y:300
2) mouseman /clickL:2 /x:20 /y:30
3) mouseman /drag /x:500 /y:800 /s:50

You have to provide at least three parameters for this program to work.

You may Also Read:
MS-DOS Program to Eject or Close CD-DVD Drives
Windows Commands Reference

How to: Hide or Disable a CD ROM Drive

We can Disable or Hide any drives like CD-ROM, Removable Disk, Virtual Drives, etc from Explorer's Home (My Computer) by this method.
You can Hide Annoying FDD (Floppy Disk Drive) by these steps.
Note that this isn't applicable to Local Drives.
1. Go to 'Properties' of any Drive
2. Click on 'Hardware' tab.
3. Select the required drive
4. Click 'Properties' button.
5. Click on Dropdown List, and then select 'Do not use this device' option.
6. Finish.

Are you a Windows 7 user..? then after 4th step, Click on Drivers tab. then click on Disable button.

We can Enable It any time by Entering 'Properties' of any Local Drive and repeating same procedure.

FIX: Can't open Local Drives in My Computer

This may be due to virus infection. You should search for autorun.inf file in that local drive. When you double click on that drive, it runs another program, instead of opening it. There is an alternate way to open that drive without double clicking. Just type the adress of that drive in the adress bar and press enter. Now that drive opens. Goto 'tools-folder options-view' and click on 'hide protected operating system files' option (disable it). Now you may see 'autorun.inf' file in that folder. Just delete it and restart your computer. But this is not a permanent fix because your pc is infected by a virus. You have to install better antivirus.

Related Contents:
Change Storage device icons using Autorun.inf

Storage Device Maintainance Tips

Performance, Life time, Health of Storage Devices depend on how we use them. Here are some points that are helpful in maintaining them.

* Always try to avoid formatting. It reduces the lifespan. If you must, then go for 'quick format'

* In case of storing large number of very small (<5KB) files, better to compress them into a single zip. This keeps file structure clean, constant perfomance, less defragement, etc.

* Learn how to Protect storage devices from being attacked by virus,trogen,etc. There are mainly two ways to do this:
1. Download and install Panda USB Vaccine in your PC. It disables autorun for your PC, and every time when you plug your USB drive, it fixes autorun for that device also(viruses spread using autorun.inf file from USB)(autorun is a part of windows service).
2. Create a folder named autorun.inf in your USB device. It protects from attack of most of viruses.

* Don't Simply Remove when being used. Just eject by clicking on 'Safely Remove' or 'Eject' option, otherwise sometimes it will be corrupted.

* Defrag every weak or month to get maximum performance..

* Don't forget to remove memory card first, if repairing your handset(removing circuit). Otherwise, it will struck inside it's slot and may crack.

* Always keep them in normal temperature. Don't keep them plugged all time, remove from the PC when not required.

Mobile Trick: How to Save Battery Power

Configuring your mobile in suitable ways help maintaining battery power for extra time. Here are some tips to do so.

1. Enable SLEEP MODE ( in Display settings )
3. Always use DARK THEMES (less brightness)
4. If your phone supports BACKLIGHT BRIGHTNESS and DELAY adjustment, then adjust them to lowest possible value ( can be found in display settings)
5. Disable VIBRATION
6. If your phone's sound is higher than required, then decrease it. (ringing tone volume, etc).
7. Don't Enable BlueTooth and GPRS if not required.
10. If your phone has side lights, (eg: Nokia 6300) then Disable LIGHT EFFECTS in settings
11. Fully Discharge Phone's battery once Every weak.

Javascript: Show HTML code on a web page

The main problem in showing html code in a webpage is to write &lt; instead of < also &gt; instead of > .

A simple javascript code makes this easy.

function startReplacer(cls){
e = document.getElementsByClassName(cls);
for (var c=0; c<e.length; c++){
html = e[c].innerHTML;
e[c].innerText = html;}}

Just call this function [ startReplacer(class); ] with class name of element containing html code as parameter. If there are more than one elements with same class name then better to call the above function at end of web page like this:

startReplacer("classname"); </script>

Realated Contents:
Get source code of webpage using Javascript
Get source code across domain (any webpage) using Vbscript

VBScript: Fake Virus on Keyboard


An input box will popup asking you to enter a number(delay). After entering, it will switch all LEDs in keyboard ON and OFF for every 200millisec until the number you entered.

On Error Resume Next
Dim gShell,gRpt,gPmt,gTtl,gDft
Set gShell=WScript.CreateObject ("WScript.Shell")
gPmt="Enter the Delay:"
For i = 1 To gRpt
gShell.SendKeys "{scrolllock}{numlock}{capslock}"
WScript.Sleep 200

Javascript: Get Source Code of Current Web Page


1. Get inner Html of 'html' tag using document object
2. Replace all '<' by '&lt;' and all '>' by '&gt;'
3. Print It on the Screen.

Mobile App: Best File Manager in J2ME Platform

Mini Commander is a best file manager for j2me platform mobiles. Because it provides various functions like:

- Audio/ Video Player
- Archive manager
- Powerful Text Editor
- Bluetooth File Manager
- Supports .bat files
- Multi(Split) Screen

Tricks with this app:
- This app can edit/create Nokia themes (nth)
- Copy files from other's mobile via bluetooth

Download link:

[Mini Commander]